

柿澤 祐子

Yuko Kakizawa Winney
湘南・茅ケ崎出身。英国人の夫、一人息子、愛犬のボーダーコリーと、東京のはじっこに住んでいます。 大企業で経営企画や原料購買の仕事をしていた頃は、次々と現れる「やるべき」仕事をアタマ先行でこなす日々。カラダとココロはどこかに置いてきぼりになっていました。そんな生活がたたって出産前月にギックリ腰を経験。以来、ヨガを通じて「ラクなカラダとココロの使い方」を探求しています。 慌ただしい現代に生きる私達ですが、「あれをしなくちゃ、これもしなくちゃ」「もっともっと。まだまだ足りない」といった思考からいったん離れて、今の自分を認めてあげる時間を一緒に過ごしませんか?

Yuko was raised in Chigasaki, a coastal town, and now lives in Tokyo with her British husband, their son and Border collie. While working at a large international company as a corporate planner and purchaser, she considered herself a ‘conventional’ thinker placing priority on her day to day requirements and needs. Things soon changed when she developed acute lower back pain in the month prior to giving birth, which made her realize there was more to life, and that she needed to focus on her physical and mental health too. That painful life-changing event started her journey in search of an ‘easy body, easy mind’ lifestyle, realized through yoga. Her thinking is that if you are saying to yourself “I should do this, I shouldn’t do that”, or “It’s not enough, I need more”, then perhaps you may consider letting go of those thoughts, take time for yourself, and accept who you are!

資格・修了コースなどTrainings and qualifications
  • ・大阪大学法学部卒業
  • ・YogaWorks TT 200H修了
  • ・sakura yoga通訳養成コース修了
  • ・sakura yogaアドバンスバイリンガルヨガ講師養成講座修了
  • ・ウェルネス・キネシオロジー講座修了
  • ・NLPマスタープラクティショナー
  • ・IHF、ABH、ITTO認定ヒプノセラピスト
  • ・B.A. in Law, Osaka University
  • ・YogaWorks TT 200H
  • ・sakura yoga Interpreter Training Course
  • ・sakura yoga Bilingual Yoga Instructor TT Advance Course
  • ・Wellness Kinesiology Course
  • ・NLP master practitioner
  • ・Hypnotherapist, IHF, ABP, ITTO