Teachers・Staffs加藤 千明
Chiaki Kato
After graduating college, she worked for foreign firms for 10 years. She began her yoga journey at a prenatal yoga class during her maternity leave. Even though she just wished to learn breathing techniques for the delivery she was amazed and moved with the fact that yoga brings such high-quality sleep and the wonderfully therapeutic benefits such as the feeling of relief and happiness.
This launched her on the path of studying yoga comprehensively.
Certified RYT200 in 2011, she’s humbled to share her love and experience for yoga with others. She teaches hatha yoga, restorative yoga, senior yoga, prenatal/post-prenatal yoga and baby massage classes on a regular basis at Culture centers and Yoga studios in Tokyo.
- ・上智大学文学部卒業
- ・全米ヨガアライアンスE-RYT200
- ・日本ヨーガニケタン指導者養成終了
- ・IHTA認定チャイルドボディセラピストインストラクター
- ・sakura yogaバイリンガルヨガ講師養成講座第3期修了
- ・Sophia University, Bachelor of Literature
- ・Yoga Alliance E-RYT200
- ・SVYASA Nihon Yoga Niketan (YIC)
- ・IHTA Instructor of Child Body Therapist
- ・sakura yoga Bilingual Yoga Instructor Course(3rd)